Goodness its been awhile since I last blogged! Theres nothing more discouraging than being lost for imagination. I've been preoccupied with Holidays and enjoying family and Nesting!!! Its 6weeks to go till Little bump is here! And the need to have everything just right has struck with avengance. Its not just the babys room mind you, it seems the whole house has things that are driving me nuts and I'm wanting to fix, move around, decorate, or find better ways of doing things.
Its like in the back of your mind your thinking I may not get time to do this for a loong time!
But alongside the busyness of creating and making scurrying around all over town, I really also need to tell of God goodness for our family. See this year my Husband is staffing a Youth With A Mission school, here in Oxford, thankfully we live in our own little rental across the road so he's handy to helpout. Its all volunteer based work, so its meant trusting that God will provide needs as they come about, because neither of us are working.
What amazes me is that we have been so provided for since moving and doing what we felt like God was telling our little family to do, Its been exciting to really See him providing for us, more than we might have clicked onto in the past. And to experience his desire to provide for his kids. Dont get me wronge Gods provision is His heart for everyone. But I know in the past I've taken for granted when I've had money to pay for something and often havent thought twice about throwing money away on this or that, later regretting the purchase, forgetting to ask God for it or even thanking him for the means to get it.
I've really appreciated this season of having to bring God into the everyday stuff that otherwise I wouldnt think twice about...And learning how to be wiser with money and possesions and therefore enjoying the small things again :)
Just today out of the blue a friend dropped off a change table, heater and baby gate for us to use, (all things that I'd asked God for, esp the change table!). Last week God worked through a friend and we were given a brand new washing machine! (now I dont have to go over to the base every time to do washing) YAY!!
While we were in Australia recently I was given some christmas money and I had sooo much fun getting Fun stuff for baby and around the house from Ikea and Typo. And again it just made me see how much God loves His children and wants to show them he cares and knows what you delight in and need. When I was going around the shops overwhelmed with all the "stuff" I just kept asking God to give me wisdom and to help me get the right "stuff"...
And then a week ago I was able to buy a Phil and Ted double buggy from trade me for $150! which is a bargain compared to what they are worth brand new, I just need to replace the tires. Somtimes I've been really specific with needs and asking God but other times I've plain forgetten he's there and yet I'm amazed when those things still turn up and I then I've realised that he's always listening to our hearts but loves it when we intentionally share our hearts with him... many times I've made a silly purchase cause I've not put any thought into it and its been made out of pure greed or impulse, and I've never stopped to ask God about it.
So the challenge for us is to bring God our Heavenly Father into all the busyness of our lives and in return He loves to meet us right where we are at. Whether its a nesting season or a working season, a time of descion making or travelling season.
I'm so grateful that we dont have to rely on our own abilities to make things happen, and God WANTS us to leave things in his hands...for he knows what we need. Better yet he knows the desires of our Heart the things that make us tick and puts a smile on our face when we recieve them....
Have a great week
xo Carolyn
Its like in the back of your mind your thinking I may not get time to do this for a loong time!
But alongside the busyness of creating and making scurrying around all over town, I really also need to tell of God goodness for our family. See this year my Husband is staffing a Youth With A Mission school, here in Oxford, thankfully we live in our own little rental across the road so he's handy to helpout. Its all volunteer based work, so its meant trusting that God will provide needs as they come about, because neither of us are working.
What amazes me is that we have been so provided for since moving and doing what we felt like God was telling our little family to do, Its been exciting to really See him providing for us, more than we might have clicked onto in the past. And to experience his desire to provide for his kids. Dont get me wronge Gods provision is His heart for everyone. But I know in the past I've taken for granted when I've had money to pay for something and often havent thought twice about throwing money away on this or that, later regretting the purchase, forgetting to ask God for it or even thanking him for the means to get it.
I've really appreciated this season of having to bring God into the everyday stuff that otherwise I wouldnt think twice about...And learning how to be wiser with money and possesions and therefore enjoying the small things again :)
Just today out of the blue a friend dropped off a change table, heater and baby gate for us to use, (all things that I'd asked God for, esp the change table!). Last week God worked through a friend and we were given a brand new washing machine! (now I dont have to go over to the base every time to do washing) YAY!!
While we were in Australia recently I was given some christmas money and I had sooo much fun getting Fun stuff for baby and around the house from Ikea and Typo. And again it just made me see how much God loves His children and wants to show them he cares and knows what you delight in and need. When I was going around the shops overwhelmed with all the "stuff" I just kept asking God to give me wisdom and to help me get the right "stuff"...
And then a week ago I was able to buy a Phil and Ted double buggy from trade me for $150! which is a bargain compared to what they are worth brand new, I just need to replace the tires. Somtimes I've been really specific with needs and asking God but other times I've plain forgetten he's there and yet I'm amazed when those things still turn up and I then I've realised that he's always listening to our hearts but loves it when we intentionally share our hearts with him... many times I've made a silly purchase cause I've not put any thought into it and its been made out of pure greed or impulse, and I've never stopped to ask God about it.
So the challenge for us is to bring God our Heavenly Father into all the busyness of our lives and in return He loves to meet us right where we are at. Whether its a nesting season or a working season, a time of descion making or travelling season.
I'm so grateful that we dont have to rely on our own abilities to make things happen, and God WANTS us to leave things in his hands...for he knows what we need. Better yet he knows the desires of our Heart the things that make us tick and puts a smile on our face when we recieve them....
Have a great week
xo Carolyn
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