
Over the last year I've been getting back into reading, I think somewhere in the busyness of it all I forgot how reading is such a good thing for you!! 

We have a very good local library also which Iv realised is the way to go - no extra clutter of endless books you may only read once.

So this book caught my eye on my last visit

And it's been such a 'make sense' read! Iv been having to walk more just for the fact that we only have the one car, but it's defiantly been good for me. We live in a little country town so it really is possible to walk everywhere.

Sometimes iv struggled wondering could God really completely heal depression? But I think iv been also realising that it's not always a flick the switch cure but a process of changing how we think so that we won't go back to way we used to be or think. 

And so anyways seems that exercise is really amazing for anxiety, stress, hormones, moods the list goes on. And yes it's probably the most logical thing in the world for some but for the rest of us realising that just a walk even can bring breakthrough is a good reminder. So the next time I'm walking my boys to daycare I'll be thinking of all those happy thought's I'm releasing :)

