a new thing in the dead of winter

My little blog had small beginnings, a small seed throw out with hope that something good would come of it...I thought I'd just put up little crafty stuff and maybe a painting or two.  But since then its sort of morphed more into a space for me to jot my little God wonderings and the drawings that I get when I take the time to sit and just 'BE'. 

 For awhile I've thought about a name change, I love how God changed the names of individuals in the bible and it would speak of a new beginning and so I felt it was time to start afresh.

I love "Genesis Found" because it speaks to me of new beginnings, hope and a journey in the light rather than darkness, and its a reminder of where our Hope is found on this life adventure into the unknown..... So as winter ambles on and the shift to spring is just still slightly out of reach.  May we be encouraged that even in the dead of winter God still does new things and, breaths new life into our old dreams...  
 ...He can speak a new name over us or give new meaning to something old...

So may he breath new life into you today, new hope, and a new song in your heart...show your new direction...and encourage you right where you need it most...

 “Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland..."

Isaiah 43:18-20

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