Relishing the ordinary moments ~ everyday...

I recently watched a Movie called "About Time" was perfect!!

 without giving away the plot one of the themes within it was  living each day to the fullest as though you are living the best version of that day ~ and the way I saw it ~ to Relish the ordinary... everyday moments and see them for something extraordinary..

wow simple right!? But maybe not so much when you are about to loose it at your kids or have too much on your place that day...

But it really challenged me to GIVE IT A TRY!...because I so often feel a bit lost in the everyday routine... I felt like it spoke to the inner child - we all have this.

Because the eyes of a child see the world through the PRESENT, they live fully in what's happening right in front of them - with all the highs and lows of it.

 for a child finding a tiny insect is a BIG deal, it captures their imagination - yet for us Big kids we don't give it a second thought...

So when I intentionally tried it the first time, I remember sitting with Leeland on my knee the other two playing and I felt to look out the window and just take in what I saw...and in doing so I found myself saying to the boys 

"look at the way the sun is shining on the trees the leaves are glimmering and glistening, and swaying in the breeze"...and immediately they both jumped up to the window saying "ohh where?... Oh there! yeah I see it!"

The next time I noticed the way the grass sparkled in the morning with dew and before I knew it two little people were pressing their faces up against the glass to see for themselves this wonder out our window...Relishing the ordinary...

{my little diy chalk board that I will often write a quote on to remind me of something special to think upon that week}

then I started noticing things like smell, texture, the feel of the sun or a warm space and began catching myself midway through doing something ordinary and allowing myself to soak in the moment....this is great to do with kids even by just prompting with simple questions like "how does the wind feel on your face...can we see anything in the grass we are sitting on...anything to take a moment and live in that moment a little bit more...

Yes its a simple thought "Relish the ordinary moments within a day..." but when you start reminding yourself to stop and soak up what's really happening right then and there - being in that moment, that's when unexpected, and surprising things start to happen...

  {a simple way I like to do this with the boys is make something simple like morning tea into an extra-ordinary event ie have it outside on the picnic blanket, put their water in teacups, chat about the birds "can you hear them...can you see any nests..." take a moment with them and just be present...I think they appreciate it too - and it helps break the day up...}

# Here's a little challenge for you, sit and close your eyes for a minuet at the computer... or have a look around... let yourself look beyond the ordinary and what do you see?...maybe it sparks a thought?...maybe it just reminds yourself to catch up on being in the present?...maybe it does nothing...and that's OK too...

often we get too busy to remember to do it just "once" but when we do, it can make all the difference in the world to that day...

"Look beyond the ordinary...
what do you see... 
for it is the ordinary everyday moments, that make up our lives... so they may as well
 be Extraordinary..."

Watch the movie "About Time", you'll love it!!

